Stepping into the Light 6/2/24

Stepping into the Light 6/2/24

It’s like I lived in a cave all my life. I was born into the dark, grew up in the dark and moved into adulthood, all in the dark. Oh, there were little slits of light that shone through now and again. We could see – dimly. But my life before Baba was like I was a cave dweller. He took my hand and walked me slowly toward the mouth of the care. And, rounding a corner, there was the sunlight, shining in the doorway, like a portal to my soul.

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#light #soul #cave #shaktipat #1of100 #Self #God

Stepping into the Light 6/2/24
  • Stepping into the Light 6/2/24

    It’s like I lived in a cave all my life. I was born into the dark, grew up in the dark and moved into adulthood, all in the dark. Oh, there were little slits of light that shone through now and again. We could see – dimly. But my life before Baba was like I was a cave dweller. He took my hand ...