Peeling the Onion 9/24/23

Peeling the Onion 9/24/23

What happens when you can’t have what you want? Look at the desire itself and see what’s prompting it. Peel through the layers described the yogic sage Patanjali:  Fear hides aversion. Aversion hides desire. Desire hides your small-s self. Your small-s self is hiding the not-knowing of your own Divine Essence. Peel back that final layer and uncover your own Self. It’s always there. You are always right here.

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#peeling #onion #desire #fear #aversion #klesha #small-sself #know #Self #inside

Peeling the Onion 9/24/23
  • Peeling the Onion 9/24/23

    What happens when you can’t have what you want? Look at the desire itself and see what’s prompting it. Peel through the layers described the yogic sage Patanjali:  Fear hides aversion. Aversion hides desire. Desire hides your small-s self. Your small-s self is hiding the not-knowing of your own D...