On Your Way to Liberation 6/26/24

On Your Way to Liberation 6/26/24

It’s only your mind that keeps you from being liberated. Your mind is so creative, so fascinating, so good at entwining you in its thoughts and fantasies. But you can get beyond your mind, deeper within your own Beingness. Then the light of your own Divine Essence dissolves the mind’s delusions and fancies. You discover who you…

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#mind #creative #liberation #freedom

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On Your Way to Liberation 6/26/24
  • On Your Way to Liberation 6/26/24

    It’s only your mind that keeps you from being liberated. Your mind is so creative, so fascinating, so good at entwining you in its thoughts and fantasies. But you can get beyond your mind, deeper within your own Beingness. Then the light of your own Divine Essence dissolves the mind’s delusions a...