I See You 4/21/24

I See You 4/21/24

I see you and you see me. From my point of view, I am the subject and you are the object. From your point of view, you are the subject and I am the object. In Sanskrit, you are grahaka - the perceiver, the object is grahya, and the process of perception is grahana. This is the three-fold nature of Consciousness. Last month, we looked at duality and this month we’re studying the triune aspects that...
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I See You 4/21/24
  • I See You 4/21/24

    I see you and you see me. From my point of view, I am the subject and you are the object. From your point of view, you are the subject and I am the object. In Sanskrit, you are grahaka - the perceiver, the object is grahya, and the process of perception is grahana. This is the three-fold natur...