From the Inside-Out 1/26/25

From the Inside-Out 1/26/25

The One Divine Reality, Shiva, is the Self of all — Divine, perfect and pure. Shiva takes on not-Knowingness in order to be a unique individual, who feels separate and different from others, and separate and different from Shiva. Technically, Shiva takes on three layers: anava mala, mayiya mala, and karma mala. In tantra, we open this from the inside out. Most meditative traditions work from the outside-inward. But this is tantra, so we do it the other way – from the inside-outward…

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From the Inside-Out 1/26/25
  • From the Inside-Out 1/26/25

    The One Divine Reality, Shiva, is the Self of all — Divine, perfect and pure. Shiva takes on not-Knowingness in order to be a unique individual, who feels separate and different from others, and separate and different from Shiva. Technically, Shiva takes on three layers: anava mala, mayiya mala, ...