Expansive Experiences 2/16/25

Expansive Experiences 2/16/25

Called “Peak experiences” in psychology, I call them peek experiences, p-e-ek. You’re getting a peek into your own Divine Essence. This experience, this expansive experience, this profound and bliss-filled experience is essential to life. Without it, you begin to wonder why you’re alive. It’s the experience of Self that makes everything else work…

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Expansive Experiences 2/16/25
  • Expansive Experiences 2/16/25

    Called “Peak experiences” in psychology, I call them peek experiences, p-e-ek. You’re getting a peek into your own Divine Essence. This experience, this expansive experience, this profound and bliss-filled experience is essential to life. Without it, you begin to wonder why you’re alive. It’s th...